About Holi Festival Puja
“Holi” a religious spring festival widely known and esteemed, the spirit of which remains the same throughout the country. It is celebrated by Hindus at the end of the winter season on the next day of last full moon day(Phalgun Purnima), which usually falls in the later part of February or March.
2025 Holi date
In the year 2025 holi will fall on 14/15th March.
Holi Puja
Rituals and Sadhanas related to puja’s proved to be capable of producing an intended result or striking effect is obtained when tried on special auspicious days. One of the most auspicious time for carrying out aghor tantrik puja is holi.
Benefit of holi puja
Special tantrik holi puja and daan on holi day which is carried out by us has the following benefits:-
To minimize the malefic/evil effect of balarishta yog, chandal yog in the horoscope, to minimize the malefic/evil effect of retrograde Shukra and mangal grahas and make them powerful and beneficial, to protect people from any evil spirit/jadoo tona and from any other eventuality.
Persons going through the main and sub period of Shukra, Mangal, Ketu(mahadasha and antardasha) are suggested to conduct the holi poojan and daan so that quantum of suffering or debt is reduced.
Cost of holi puja
The expense for special tantrik holi puja is 15000 INR( Fifteen thousand only) which will continue for 11-15 days starting from holi day as per the individual requirement.
Holika Dahan
On the eve of holi, holika dahan event is carried out. During this event, people gather and hold a bonfire. The log of woods are set afire in the remembrance of a marvellous event manifesting a supernatural act of a divine escape that young Prahlad cause to happen from the ill motive of Holika. The sacred fire of Holi is burnt amidst the chanting of specific mantras which were intended for the destruction of the demonic forces. Holika dahan symbolizes the victory of good over evil.
Holika Dahan Date
Holika Dahan will be celebrated on 14th March 2025.
Tantrik holika dahan puja
HoliKa dahan puja for kids – holika dahan puja is carried out by vamtantra with proper tantrik rituals. The benefit of this tantrik puja are many. Some of the benefits are:
To protect your child from the evil spirit and jaadu tona, to protect your child from balarishta dosha, to protect your child from Markesha dosha in kundli, to minimize the malefic/evil effect of retrograde shani, rahu, ketu grahas.
Children going through main and sub period of shani, rahu, Ketu(mahadasha and antardasha) are suggested to conduct the tantrik holika dahan poojan and daan so that quantum of suffering is reduced.
Expense of holika dahan puja
Remittences for special tantrik holika dahan puja is 15000 INR( fifteen thousand only) which will continue for 11-15 days starting from holika dahan as per the individual requirement.
Holashtak poojanam is conducted from 8th day of Phagun Shukal Ashthami in the auspicious Hindu month of Phalgun upto purnima. Holashtak is considered the eight days before Holi. The effect of Holashtak stays from the Phagun Shukal Ashthami to Holika Dahan, that is, Purnima. This period is perceived to be inauspicious for conducting any mangal kriya, but for tantra sadhaks this period holds special importance. Special tantrik puja’s are performed during this holashtak period ending on the day of holi and some tantrik rituals continue upto the day of rangapanchami.
Holashtak dates in 2025
Holashtak will begin on Monday, 7th March 2025, Ashtami date, Kritika nakshatra.
Holashtak tantrik puja
Holashtak puja is carried out by vamtantra with proper tantrik rituals. Benefit of this tantrik puja are many. Some of the benefits are: To protect the person suffering from the illness or to avoid untimely death/akaal mrityu, to protect from family disputes, enemies, court cases, to protect from bankrupted business, to protect from all ill-effects of Black magic, Evil spells, Curses, Ghosts, and Spirits.
Tantrik holashtak puja also cures everyone from the evil effects of past attacks and protects one from all future attacks and maran prayog.
Cost of tantrik holashtak puja
Remittences for special tantrik holashtak puja is 15000 INR( fifteen thousand only) which will continue from holashtak to ranga panchami as per the individual requirement.
Holi Rangapanchami
Rangapanchami is observed (fifth day of the full moon), 5 days after Holi. Rangpanchami is held in the spring season, widely known as the season of love which activates and energizes in each and everyone harmonious and conjugal relation. The atmosphere is charged with the true emotional and spiritual state of love generating tremendous positive power.
2025 Ranga Panchami
In the year 2025 Ranga Panchami is on 19th March.
Tantrik puja on Rangapanchami
This puja is carried on by vamtantra to achieve following benefits for individuals:-
Timely marriage, for getting desired partner, Happy Married Life , remove dosha which hinders in conceiving a baby, to lead good sexual life, creating harmony between couple, to Avoid Divorce and to lead a romantic married life, to have better relation between family members and business partners.
Persons going through the main and sub-period of Shukra, Chandra(mahadasha and antardasha) are suggested to conduct the Tantric rangapanchami puja and daan so that quantum of suffering is reduced.
Special benefit of Ranga panchami puja -For career in the field of Acting & modelling
This puja of rangpanchami has great benefit for people who exists or desire to go in the field of acting and modelling.
Expense of tantrik Rangapanchami puja
Remittences for special tantrik rangapanchami puja is 15000 INR( fifteen thousand only) which will continue from holashtak to rangapanchami as per the individual requirement.
Special vamtantra suraksha kavach tantrik holi puja from holashtak to rangapanchami to protect the individual from any type of jadu-tona-kiya-karaya problems.
Tantrik anusthan on holi
On these auspicious days of holi, extensive tantric prayers and rituals are carried out by vamtantra from holashtak to rangapanchami for preparation of suraksha kavach after tantrik anusthan for individuals by which they are protected from family disputes, depression, disaster. They are also protected from bankrupted business, health deterioration, mental impairment, untimely death. Vamtantra suraksha kavach protects from all ill-effects of Black magic, Evil spells, Curses, Ghosts and Spirits. Special protection is obtained from this suraksha kavach from any form of jadu-tona-kiya-karaya problems. It cures one from the evil effects of past attacks and protects one from all future attacks and maran prayog.
Expense for jadu-tona-kiya-karaya problems puja(Vamtantra suraksha kavach) is Rs 15000( fifteen thousand only) which will continue from holashtak to rangapanchami as per the individual requirement.
We request you to provide us the following details for the Puja
- Complete name of the person for whom the Puja has to be performed.
- Father’s Name.
- Date of Birth
- Place of Birth
- Time of Birth.
- Additional Information
- Contact Number.
*Any pooja’s and rituals done on these auspicious occasions plays prime importance to seek blessings and good fortune for all family members. Nine planets are worshiped to achieve success and the maximum power is generated from a particular planet to get it fully energised.Special Tantrik Puja’s which is performed only at midnight are done to remove ego and negativeness that hamper spiritual and material growth. Tantrik rituals are performed essentially for general happiness, health, wealth, and peace. People are blessed with intense joy, prosperity and seek protection against evil, enemies and adversities.
All the above poojas are done by tantra sadhaks by maintaining pure sanctity and incorporating vedic/tantrik rituals to get fast results.
Only your trust,faith and belief gives the best result