What is Das Mahavidya
The Das Mahavidya or the Ten Goddesses are actually ten aspects of the shakti or Devi the Divine Goddess. Here dus means ten and “mahavidya”, comes from the root of sanskrit words Maha and vidya in which maha means great and vidya means education that results in understanding and the spread of knowledge, enlightening or astonishing disclosure, nirvana.
The Mahavidyas, as a group, represents a vital turning point in the history of Shaktism, as it marks the rise of tantra in Shaktism during the post-Puranic era. The Srimad Devi Bhagavatam also known as Devi Purana in its seventhskandha known as the Devi Gita describes shakti power. This description of das mahavidya powers became the key component of Shaktism.
Das Mahavidya Puja
Das Mahavidya known as ten forms of incarnation of goddess parvati having great influence, is worshipped in tantrik forms by sadhaks. Vamtantra conducts Dus mahavidya tantra puja to appease all ten Goddesses of accumulated knowledge, erudition or enlightenment and who represent an entire spectrum of divinity. Das Mahavidya puja is also conducted to solve unique problems and astrological planetary disturbances.
Das Mahavidya Tantra Sadhana
Out of many of the tantrik puja, rituals and sadhnas, the worshipping & showing devotion to the ten powerful forms of tantra goddesses is called dasa maha vidya upasana. Various das mahavidya yantra and mantra recitation are prescribed for worshipping Das Mahavidya by the tantrics to attain various types of sidhis and for spiritual enlightenment. These Das Mahavidya shaktis are very powerful but involve danger or risk and their tantrik puja according to vamtantra must be done under the guidance of a the spiritual tantrik guru only. Successful completion of Das Mahavidya tantrik puja & sadhana gives blessings and a desirable state to the sadhak. A tantrik guru who is positively inclined uses these benefits as a guide to motivate people for the benefit of mankind.
10 Mahavidya – Ten Forms of Tantra Devi
The major forms of the goddess as described in Tantra text are Kali, Tara, Maha Tripura Sundari (or Shodasi-Sri Vidya), Bhuvaneshvari, Chinnamasta, Bhairavi, Dhumavati, Bagalamukhi, Matangi, and Kamala. These ten aspects of Shakti also know as 10 mahavidya are the image of the entire creation.
These ten profound acquisitions are the most valuable wealth of the Sadhaks which give them accomplishments having no limits or boundaries in time or space or extent or magnitude and also are capable of introducing the infinity to them. These dus mahavidya tantra Devis are worshiped with prescribed tantrik rituals and procedures associated with 10 mahavidya mantras and yantra as a remedy for various astrological measures, attaining siddhis and for spiritual enlightenment.
Dusmahavidya in awakening of kundalini
Kundalini yoga is a spiritual practice and as such spirituality is contagious. Mantra is chanted(vibrated) to assure the purest inner guidance during the practice of kundalini yoga. When we chant das mahavidya mantra we are choosing to envoke the positive power contained in the mind, whether it is for prosperity, peace of mind, increasing intuition, or any other multitude of possible benefits inherent in das mahavidya mantras. The selected das mahavidya beej mantra corresponds to the area of different chakras or the spiritual centers within the body. Chanting of the selected mantra sets vibrations into motion which shall have an effect related to the individual chakra.
Powerful Das Mahavidya Tantra Puja's
Take a peek inside our Wonderworld

Maa Kali
Saves from the dangerous calamities

Maa Tara
speech, pleasures and even salvation.

Maa Tripur Sundari
get better spouse and sexual life.

Maa Bhuvaneshwari
For property (house and office).

Maa Bhairavi
birth of child, Family Happiness, Peace of Mind.

Maa Chinnamasta
Worshipped for Courage, Discement, Sexual energry.

Maa Baglamukhi
victory on legal case, victory over enemies.

Maa Dhumavati
tragedy, disease, poverty.

Maa Matangi
vocalization and articulation.

Maa Kamala
For wealth and prosperity.
Das Mahavidya Puja Astrological Significance
The das mahavidya puja benefits are manifold. The Das Mahavidya worship is also a remedial astrological measure for the nine planetary positions. Puja of each individual shakti powers mitigates the problem caused by the individual retrograde or malefic planetary position in a horoscope.
Dasa Mahavidya and Planets
The 10 mahavidya shakti powers as per the planets are kali for Saturn, Tara for Jupiter, Maha Tripura Sundari (or Shodasi-Sri Vidya) for Mercury, Bhuvaneshvari for Moon, Chinnamasta for Rahu, Bhairavi for Lagna, Dhumavati for Ketu, Bagalamukhi for Mars, Matangi for Sun, and Kamala for Venus.
Das mahavidya yantra
Das mahavidya yantra encompasses the power of all the 10 mahavidya’s. This yantra alleviates negativity from the household. Worship of the Das mahavidya yantra is one of the major forms of astrological remedy related to troubles caused by malefic planets in our horoscopes.
Das Mahavidya Shatkarma Tantric Prayog
The biggest benefit in tantric anusthan of Das Mahavidya pooja conducted by vamtantra sadhaks is to obtain the success in the various forms of shatkarma tantrik prayog(Shantikaran, Vashikaran, Uchatan, Videshan, Stambhan etc).
Das Mahavidya Shloka
“Kali Tara Mahavidya Shodashi
Bhuwaneshwari, Bhairawi
Chinnmasta ch Vidya Dhumawati
tatha. Bagla Siddhividya ch Matangi
Kamlatmika, Ayeta Dusmahavidya
Siddhividyah Prakirtitah.”