how to remove chandra graha dosh

Chandra Graha

Chandra represents brain and mind, feelings, gentleness, softness, imagination and mother. Chandra is the rashi lord of Karka (Cancer). It is exalted in Vrishabha (Taurus) and is debilitated in Vrishchika (Scorpio). The waxing moon is benefic and waning moon is malefic. The full moon is regarded as Exerting a favourable or beneficent influence to the highest degree, while the dark moon is considered a malefic. Chandra is lord of three nakshatras or lunar mansions: Rohini, Hasta and Shravana. Chandra is associated with: the color white, the metal silver and the gemstones pearl and moonstone. His element is water, direction is north-west and season is winter. The food grain is rice(one of Nava Dhanyas).

Malefic Chandra Mahadasha Effects

Following are the chandra dosha symptoms(malefic moon symptoms)

  • unnecessary stress and strain
  • loss of confidence and memory
  • insenstivity, emotional immaturity, irresponsibility
  • personality disorders and wandering thinking power
  • Diseases related to breathing problems, chest, lungs, mental depression
  • suicidal tendencies

Chandra Graha Remedies

How to make chandra graha strong? The following are the best chandra remedies apart from general remedies according to vamtantra:

  • Chandra graha shanti puja
  • Powerised Siddha yantra puja of chandra graha
  • Powerised Suraksha kavach dharanam of chandra graha
  • Powerised herbs poojan of chandra graha
  • Powerised spiritual art of chandra graha is to be kept
chandra mahadasha

Chandra Graha Shanti Tantric Puja

Chandra graha shanti puja is suggested and conducted by vamtantra to reduce the malefic effects of moon and enhance the benefits of the chandra graha. It is done to reduce the malefic effects and enhance the benefits of the planet. Pooja for moon planet is done to achieve concentration, mental peace, pleasure, control of emotion and to get rid of mental depression. Expenses for Vamtantra chandra graha shanti puja 11000 INR.

Chandra Graha Dosh Nivaran Puja Benefits

Chandra graha dosha nivaran puja with tantra rituals is very effective in the following:

  • To have a healthy mind and good spirit.
  • To make a favourable situations / positions.
  • To meditate oneself.
  • To achieve success and fulfillment of desires.
  • To minimize the malefic effect of afflicted moon.
  • To maintain peace and harmony.

Chandra puja and Daan astrological importance

Chandra or moon puja has great astrological importance according to us. Persons going through the main and sub period of chandra ( chandra or moon mahadasha and antardasha) are suggested to conduct the chandra Puja and Daan so that quantum of suffering is reduced. Persons having chandra grahan yog, Nirbuddhi & Mansik rog(mental illness) yog in their horoscope get help by doing this puja.

Individuals facing lots of hardships due to malefic moon should go for dus mahavidya ma bhuvaneswari puja.

Chandra Grahan Dosh Nivaran Puja

Person’s born near to chandra/moon grahan dates or chandra grahan day are required to do this chandra grahan puja as suggested by vamtantra. Expenses for Vamtantra chandra grahan dosh nivaran puja 11000 INR.

We request you to provide us the following details for the Puja

  • Complete name of the person for whom the Puja has to be performed.
  • Father’s Name.
  • Date of Birth
  • Place of Birth
  • Time of Birth.
  • Additional Information
  • Contact Number.

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We are spiritual minded people and we are deeply concerned with sacred matters. We perform pujas on the behalf of persons who trust us so that they can obtain desired results as per their expectations.

*Any pooja’s and rituals done on these auspicious occasions plays prime importance to seek blessings and good fortune for all family members. Nine planets are worshiped to achieve success and the maximum power is generated from a particular planet to get it fully energised.Special Tantrik Puja’s which is performed only at midnight are done to remove ego and negativeness that hamper spiritual and material growth. Tantrik rituals are performed essentially for general happiness, health, wealth, and peace. People are blessed with intense joy, prosperity and seek protection against evil, enemies and adversities.

All the above poojas are done by tantra sadhaks by maintaining pure sanctity and incorporating vedic/tantrik rituals to get fast results.

Only your trust, faith and belief gives the best results